May 15, 2011

.my feeling about music.

Music soothes the soul. Mends the wound. Makes us stronger. Takes us away. Keeps us in control. Expresses what we cannot. Music is love. Music is life.

May 14, 2011

.a lover n a friend. PERFECT!

The best relationship is when u two can act like lovers n bestfriends. It's when u have more playful moments than serious moments. It's when u can joke around, have unexpected hugs n random kisses. It's when u two give each other that specific stare n just smile. It's when u'll rather chill inside to watch movies, eat junk food n cuddle then go out all the time. It's when u'll stay up all night just to settle ur arguments n problems. It's when u can completely act urself n they can still love u for who u are.

May 12, 2011

.senyap tak bermaksud suda tiada.


adeh2.punya lama tidak blogging cne..maw dkt 3bln.behh! heee. senyap bkn maksud ku suda tiada, cuma agak bz. bz ngan apa? bz ngan study. makin meningkat semester makin bz. bru ja lpas praktikal d TAWAU (home sweet home) n skng exam week. tinggal osce exam lg. lpas tue p sem 5 then study mcm biasa. student nursing memang susa maw dpt free time, lg2 cuti.. cuti paling lma pon seminggu, seminggu oke. kedekut pnya kolej bg cuti. piraaak la lu! mengamuk sndri daaaa. hehe. eit! mata da kuyu, jumpa d lain masa d lain ari..

..selamat pagi malaysia.. jam menunjukkan 4.02am..
